Sweet Fit VI

Pop Up: Yoga Reiki & Bubbles
with Shanell

February 17 (Monday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

Extend your weekend with some TLC at Yoga Reiki & Bubbles.

This special event is the beautiful medley of reiki (energy healing) and yoga and will conclude with some time to bond over a sparkling sensation of your choice (naturally flavored carbonated water or champagne).

To prepare to heal with both yoga and Reiki, first replace doubt and fear with a sense of adventure!

We will begin with slow, intentional breathing before a moving meditation of postures. Once in savasana or a reclined comfortable posture, our Reiki practitioner will facilitate healing through non-touch and guided self-treatment.

Keep an open heart, and release attachment to the outcome of this session.


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