Sweet Fit VI

Body Up Bootcamp
with Flemon

February 11 (Tuesday)
at 5:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Bootcamp classes are designed for MAXIMUM calorie burn in the shortest amount of time. I want to get you fit, get you healthy, challenge your mind, challenge your body, and most importantly MAKE FITNESS FUN! Classes are 60 minutes in length. Get you in and get you out. I keep you moving and burning fat from the first minute to the very end! Classes will utilize the HIIT method (high intensity interval training), Tabatas (short intense bursts of cardio followed by a short break and back at it!), Push up variations, Burpees of all types, Core and even occasional light weight workouts. I use a scientifically proven exercise formula known as E.P.O.C.(Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption) to increase your metabolism up to 12-16 hours after your workout! That’s right, burn fat for HOURS after your workout! I also utilize the principle of muscle confusion. You will NEVER do the same workout twice! Why is this good? Because…your body will never adapt and you will never plateau! You will get results and they will come quick and continue to come…..month after month after month!


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
